Tooth with dental tools

What to Expect with Extractions

Most people associate tooth extractions (complete removal of a tooth from its spot in the jawbone) with wisdom teeth or if space is needed in preparation for orthodontia (braces or retainers). However, at Beulah Family Dentistry, we perform extractions on patients for various other reasons, including damage or decay when the tooth cannot be repaired…

decayed tooth and doctor bag

Is it a Dental Emergency?

According to the American Dental Association, dental emergencies “are potentially life-threatening and require immediate treatment to stop ongoing tissue bleeding, alleviate severe pain or infection.” The ADA includes the following conditions within the definition: Uncontrolled bleeding  Cellulitis or a diffuse soft tissue bacterial infection with intraoral or extraoral swelling that potentially compromises the patient’s airway…

Dr. Paul Quinlan and Dr. Ethan Sadowski of Beulah Family Dentistry

D.M.D. vs. D.D.S.: What is the Difference?

One of the most common questions about our talented duo of dentists at Beulah Family Dentistry, Paul Quinlan, D.D.S. and Ethan Sadowski, D.M.D., is what those letters after their names mean. The short answer is that D.D.S. and D.M.D. both mean that they graduated from an accredited dental school. D.D.S. (Doctor of Dental Surgery) and…